Getting started with Microsoft Azure

Satish Harkal
March 22, 2024

What is Microsoft Azure?

Microsoft Azure is cloud computing platform with wide range of services to help in building apps and services to meet business goals. Azure has everything you need to build your business based out of cloud. It supports simple services such as hosting web-based apps in cloud. Azure provides wide variety of services such as database hosting, account management, storage and networking. Azure also provides new and trending services such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning. Azure offers tools and services that support all industries such as Health care, Retail and E-commerce and finance.

                                                                                Fig. Microsoft Azure GUI


What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is nothing but delivery of computing services such as including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence. Cloud computing uses internet to deliver all the services, so it is not dependent on any physical data center which was used in traditional services. This advantage of cloud helps in scaling your business rapidly when demand arises. There are three main cloud models:

  1. Private Cloud
  2. Public Cloud
  3. Hybrid cloud

Private Cloud: Private cloud is similar to our traditional datacenters, it’s a delivery of cloud computing over internet which is used by a single consumer. Private cloud provides better control to companies but comes with higher cost than other two clouds.

Public cloud: Its one of the lost cost clouds offering in today’s cloud computing landscape. In this model computing services, hardware is maintained by the third-party providers, and they rent these services to the consumers as per requirement. Microsoft Azure cloud falls under these categories. All the services are available to customers who want to use and pay charges accordingly. The Azure cloud operates on Pay-As-You-Go model means; you will be charged for the services which you use.

Hybrid Cloud: This model is one of the most used cloud models in the industry now a days. It’s the combination of public and private cloud. Companies can keep some of the most critical resources and services in Private cloud for security and compliance reason and deploy other non-critical service to public cloud. In some cases, companies can use public cloud to scale business when temporary demand increases.

Now a one more model is likely scenario that is Multi Cloud. In these model companies can use different cloud providers for different services. Or in other cases consumer can start with one provider and now is in process of migrating services to another provider.


What are different cloud service types?

There are mainly three cloud service types offered Azure. All the services which we use in cloud falls under any of these categories.

  1. Infrastructure as Service
  2. Platform as Service
  3. Software as Service

Infrastructure as Service: It is the most basic and flexible category of cloud service. It offers all the infrastructure to host our applications. In this service type Azure is responsible for all hardware, networking and physical security. All other things are maintained by consumers such as installation and maintenance of Operating System and database patching. In this service type we only use hardware from CSP.

Platform as Service: This service category is between IaaS and SaaS service types. Along with hardware Platform as Service takes care of Operating system and its maintenance, they also provide development and BI tools to build applications. However, Identity and network control is still a responsibility of consumer.


Software as Service: This is the most complete service offered by Azure. In this service is fully developed, we can pay the rent and start using it from the word go. In this service data and access is managed by consumer all other things are taken care by CSP.

                                                     Fig. Shared Responsibility Model

Shared responsibility model describes the ownership based on service type, SaaS puts more responsibility on cloud service provider and least responsibility on consumer. Whereas IaaS puts most responsibility on consumer and least on cloud service provider.


Services provided by Azure:

Azure offers different types of cloud services for all kind of divers’ needs. Currently azure offers more than 100 cloud services such as Compute, Storage, Analytics, BI, IoT, Migration, Security, Data Management and Governance. It also has services such as AI, ML and DevOps.

                                                                     Fig. Services offered by Azure.


Azure opens up world of possibilities for individuals and organizations. Its wide range of services and products helps to set up and scale business out of cloud. Also, Azure’s scalable services, flexible pricing models and continuous innovation, support can drive business growth.


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